Every decision we make, every surprise we have for you comes straight from the heart. Because we want to show you the beauty of our home. The power of this special place. And we hope that you will feel as good as we do staying at our hotel in Avelengo.
The place you long to be: Hotel Avelengo
Far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we have created a place with its very own power – our hotel in Avelengo. Where you can relax in tranquillity and feel like home in the cosy ambience. We have personality and we are individual. With heart and style. That is how we want to pamper you. Offer you a place to retreat, where you simply feel good. Where you can regain energy and collect memories. In the unique waldSPA of our hotel in Avelengo, in the comfortable rooms, the garden and restaurant of our hotel in Avelengo.
our passionThe place where dreams come true.

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Where water gives you a blissful experience: wellness hotel in Avelengo.
25 metres, offering not only the joy of swimming, but also magnificent views. Whether you start your early-morning swim workout or enjoy a relaxing bath, in our infinity outdoor pool you can wash away the stresses of the everyday.

The Platzer family follows its heart - to Hotel Viktoria.

Wintersonne und schneebedeckte Berge
Geküsst von Sonnenschein in Hafling
Auch im Winter werden Sie am Hochplateau zwischen Meran und Bozen mit Sonnenschein verwöhnt. Magische Ausblicke locken zu täglich neuen Abenteuern zwischen Pistenspaß und stillem Naturentdecken. In unserem Hotel in Hafling erleben Sei eine Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten die Tage zwischen Aktivitäten und wohliger Entspannung zu verbringen. So finden Sie Ihre ganz persönliche Mischung, die den Urlaub im Hotel Viktoria unvergesslich macht. Schwung für Schwung sausen Sie auf den Pisten des Skigebiets Meran 2000 ins Tal oder entdecken bei ausgiebigen Schneeschuhwanderungen und Skitouren die sanfte, etwas stillere Variante des Winterglücks. Schreiben Sie Ihre einzigartige Urlaubsgeschichte.
Winter in Hafling